So the big news that I couldn't reveal a few weeks ago is that I tendered my resignation at my job and am preparing a voyage to the great unknown! This, I know, is a little crazy. For one, in today's job market, no one in their right mind would leave a job without having another already in line. But I've never claimed to be in my 'right mind' so, there goes that. Also, by not having another job lined up, my lack of health insurance kind of puts me in a lurch, which is a little freaking terrifying.

But for some inexplainable reason based on a feeling I can't ignore, I know that this is the right decision for me. And in even bigger news, I am contemplating moving somewhere far, far away... like London. Maybe Florence? Or Montreal? Prague? I don't know, but that's what's so exciting! I have nothing really tying me down here. I'm not married. I don't have kids. I have a family that will support and love me no matter where I go. And I have always had an insatiable need to explore along with a wild hoard of ants-in-my-pants that have never enabled me to sit still for long. It all adds up to a perfect reason for me to go and live a little. I've spent too much time putting my life on hold for too many reasons. First it was my weight. Then my family obligations. And my schooling. And my job responsibilities. And so on and so on...

The prospects of the next few months are exciting. The promise of new adventures and new people keeps my mind content while I finish up my last few weeks here at work. The only pitfall is that, depending on where I go, I may not be able to work without a work visa, which would severely deplete the funds I've worked so hard to save. I clearly don't want to blow my nest-egg in only a few months, but if I don't spend (some of) it now on a big adventure, then I could conceivably die with all my money just sitting in a bank somewhere and me never taking the chance to really live. I do understand that I need to be responsible, but I've spent my whole life being responsible and I want to test my wings and my own fortitude to just do something that I want to do without over-analyizing the crap out of it. And hey, if it doesn't work out, I'm a one-way ticket away from life as I've always known it. So what do I have to lose? Nothing, that's what. So I'm researching, and planning, and getting very excited about the next stage of my life. Wish me luck!