So clearly I've been missing for awhile. And I'm sure that you are not interested in the excuse "I was busy" (which is true), but let's just say that life has handed me a DUMP TRUCK full of lemons. And try as I might to make lemonade, I'm still up to my ears in lemons. (Are you following this crazy metaphor or have I lost you yet?) Anyway, as you may know, I started this blog to help me keep myself on track with my weight loss and to chronicle the trials and tribulations that maintaining my weight loss would inevitably hand me. Not to sound selfish or egocentric, but this blog was always for me and if I happened to collect a follower or two, so much the better! So I apologize for my break, but I'm almost certain that not too many people out there really cared one way or the other. But for my sake, I really want to try and get back into blogging more regularly, especially as maintenance is becoming more and more challenging as time goes on.

Ok, with that being said, this upcoming Saturday (July 21) I will compete in my second Triathlon. I have had some obstacles to overcome in my training, as I have been in and out of the hospital over the past three weeks with kidney stones. (Let me tell you, just in case you were ever thinking about getting some kidney stones, you know, just for fun - DON'T. Seriously. It might just be the worst pain I've ever experienced in my whole life. AND I'VE HAD MENINGITIS TWICE! Not cool.) So training has sadly fallen by the way-side. But I'm still gonna go and do my best. Once again, it's not about my finishing time. It's about me going and completing it. It's about me having maintained my weight loss and my exercise habits well enough to even be able to consider competing again in the event. Therefore, no matter how well I do (or don't do) as long as I finish it, I'll be thrilled. In fact, I went for a run today and completed a 3.25 mile run in 34:30. That's my best time ever for that distance. I'm not gonna lie. It sucked. I was friggin' hot and my legs felt like lead, but I just kept saying "One foot in front of the other" and lo and behold, I did it. I will post a recap of the event after I finish the Tri on Saturday to let you know how it goes.
I'll leave you with this quote, which is going to be my mindset going into this final week: "The miracle isn't that you finished. The miracle is that you had the courage to start."
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