Okay, so it's finally here. I leave tomorrow night on a red-eye flight to London, England, my new home for the next four months. All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. (Oh man, I'm really on a roll. Teehee.) I'm getting a little nervous but overall, I think I'm ready. Especially since I'm armed with some valium just in case I have a panic attack. (I'm only a little kidding.)
To be honest, I'm not really nervous per se, just anxious. I just want to be there already. All of this preparation and waiting and running around is exhausting - both physically and mentally. I am just ready to be settled in and start my adventure. But then again, I guess this is all part of the 'adventure' so I really need to embrace it.
Hmm... what else? Oh! I just want to say how incredibly blessed I feel to have such awesome friends and family who rally behind me no matter how far off the deep end I dive. I can't get over the outpouring of love and support that has been non-stop since I concocted this crazy idea (and have been there through all of my crazy ideas - and trust me, I've had a few!). I truly am so lucky. And I believe that it is because of this love and support that I feel like I can do these kinds of things and take these kinds of leaps because I know that no matter what happens, I'll be welcomed home with open arms and a strong drink. And there's no better comfort than that!
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