Not much to report really, just a few things I
1. I signed up for a gym membership and have been
running and swimming everyday, so that’s good.
I’m hoping that it will at least somewhat combat the four tons of bread and cheese that I consume on a daily basis. (It’s just so delicious!) I finished all of my critiques and have been moving full speed ahead on my manuscript. I’m still on the hunt for a wi-fi carrier and that’s annoying the shit out of me. In fact, I missed my last SHU chat and will now have to make it up on Saturday because the chat was at 9pm EST (which is 2am, and there is NO WHERE OPEN at 2am for me to use their wi-fi.) So that ship sailed. Thankfully the makeup chat is at 9am EST, which is a manageable 2pm for me. Much more reasonable. I’ve realized that without internet access (or very limited access), entertainment options dwindle rapidly. I read books on my kindle, have hardcore solo dance parties (no joke), I snack (a lot! – not good), and I write (it’s almost done, it’s almost done). Yeah, that’s about it. What else could I do? I’m just gonna start doing pushups when I have nothing to do and come back to the States super jacked! Like Arnold. Hmm… that’d be nuts.
I’m hoping that it will at least somewhat combat the four tons of bread and cheese that I consume on a daily basis. (It’s just so delicious!) I finished all of my critiques and have been moving full speed ahead on my manuscript. I’m still on the hunt for a wi-fi carrier and that’s annoying the shit out of me. In fact, I missed my last SHU chat and will now have to make it up on Saturday because the chat was at 9pm EST (which is 2am, and there is NO WHERE OPEN at 2am for me to use their wi-fi.) So that ship sailed. Thankfully the makeup chat is at 9am EST, which is a manageable 2pm for me. Much more reasonable. I’ve realized that without internet access (or very limited access), entertainment options dwindle rapidly. I read books on my kindle, have hardcore solo dance parties (no joke), I snack (a lot! – not good), and I write (it’s almost done, it’s almost done). Yeah, that’s about it. What else could I do? I’m just gonna start doing pushups when I have nothing to do and come back to the States super jacked! Like Arnold. Hmm… that’d be nuts.
2. Speaking of reading, I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Total mind F*&K! Whoa. Seriously, it’s totally crazy. PUN INTENDED! Everyone should read it because I need to talk this shit out with someone who’s read it. All I’ll say is: you don’t know if he’s crazy, or she’s crazy, or you’re the one who’s crazy. It’s a little bananas.

But when I showered today, I
didn’t know whether I should cover the grate in the door with my towel OR put
on some music, do a little dance, and put a change bucket outside the door. I
mean, gimme a break, I don’t have a job here. A girl’s gotta live!

5. I need a god-damned fan. Seriously. I’m melting
to death in my apartment. This is not an exaggeration; I want to cry. I’ve been
to like 30 stores and NONE of them carry fans any longer. “Out of season!” they
say. BULLSHIT! It’s still friggin’ hot out, which I know is unseasonable for
this time of year, but I’m dyin’ here. I've tried to pull a Bill Nye and rig some gadgets together to fashion some sort of cooling device, but who are we kidding, I was a French/English major. I'm not cut out for this Engineering/Science shit! So I just dumped cold water on my head instead. It, temporarily, did the trick, but it is in no way a permanent solution.
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