Didn't do much today. Laundry. Cleaned my apartment. Hit the market. Blah blah blah. Pretty much rested up for my friend, James's, house party that I've been looking forward to for weeks! Unfortunately, I stumbled upon some tube malfunctions that made a 30 minute trip into a 1h 45 minute trip. So SIX tubes later and after sweating my ass off transferring to and fro, I was ready to start drinkin' when I arrived. I was introduced to a ton of people (name tags should be mandatory at drinking events!) and then James decided that we should teach the Brits how to play flipcup. And I thought, "YOU PEOPLE DON'T KNOW FLIPCUP!?!" Even worse? When questioned, they told me they've never played Beer Pong! Whaaat?!? Just insane.
We taught them flip cup and they taught us...
(Basically, the game is to sit on the floor, in a line, and relay-style chug your drink and when you finish,
to cue the next person to go you have to flip your empty cup on top of your head. Whaaaat kind of game is this?!?) |
Joe, Me and Brian gettin ready to race! |
Then a bunch of us headed to Clapham to go dancing at Inferno. And I thought Roadhouse was crazy. This was BANANAS! Two stories of total dancing chaos. Great music. TONS of people. Drinks-a-flowin'. It was awesome!
Check out the face on the guy in the blue shirt. Good times. |
Cheers! Alex's face here cracks me up! |
Alex, Fari, and Me dancin' our faces off! |
Me and the boys (Jonathan, James, Brian and Jeremy) whoopin it up til dawn!
(Literally! Thank you daylight saving for an extra hour of party time!) |
Don't so much remember the cab ride home - it's a little hazy - a boozy blur of falafel and french fries. Went back to Elephant & Castle and crashed at Fari's (cause she's awesome!) and then made my way home this morning. That was one hell of a night! Can't wait for another!
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