Friday, October 9, 2015

The Mods Take Munchen - Day 3

Thursday, Oct 1

Hangovers are the worst. Especially when the only thing on the docket for the day is drinking your face off for like 12 hours. Yup, we arrived to the tent at 10:30am and left around 11pm. It was straight up insane. We first sat upstairs where our two tables were reserved. Our lovely waiter, Thomas, took good care of us bringing us all of our beer and food like some sort of beautiful angel. (He probably saw the pile of money we put in the middle of the table for tips!)Btw, those steins are SO heavy! My record was five and I was pretty impressed with that, but some of these guys were holding 7, 8, even 10, stacking them upon one another. It was like a circus trick! Our seating was from 10-2:30 and then another seating/wave of people would be arriving at 4:00. Thomas was awesome enough to hook us up with his friend Max who was waiting tables on the floor near the band. Max, for a small bribe, kicked out two entire tables (back to back) of drunkards to make room for our group of 16 people! YAY MAX! The rest of the night was spent standing on tables drinking and dancing and chanting in true German fashion! At some point we lost our friend John (more on that later) then wehad J.P. fall and split his eye brow open and he was bleeding from the face for a ridicuous amount of time. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but all you need to know was that we were in that tent drinking from 10am-11pm and then went out to another bar. WTF? I don't think I'm cut out for this!

Beers and tip money! Shit is gettin' real.


Just one blurry mess of a photo to show you what it looks like from inside the belly of the beast! 
Preppin' my party trick! (Those two on the end are full of water, so I wasn't cheating!
It's just hard to convince people to hand over their full beers if there is a fair chance that you're going to drop'em all.)
Like a pro!
Some true Oktoberfest craziness!  
Totally sober. ;)

On a side note, I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my real life, on the table next to ours. I mentioned (like an idiot), "Holy cow guys, I kinda love that guy over there," which translated to Alicia throwing large chunks of soft pretzel at him and telling him how much I love him. So I leapt over to his table to apoigize and thankfully for all of us, he didn't speak a lick of English. I went back to the table and said, "Oh, bummer, he said he's gay!" And then they left him alone. Phew. We were later joined by a German guy and his female friend Melinda and guess what, his name was Kevin Costner. Trust me, I checked his ID! So now I can say that I drank like a loon at Oktoberfest in Germany with Kevin Costner! Kevin also told us that we were clinking our beers incorrectly and showed me the proper German way to do it, which resulted in the stein shattering in my hand! I looked at him and was like, "WTF? You set me up!" And he just stared back in awe. He looked at me and said that he's only seen that happen like once in his life, it happen like 1 in every 1000 beers. Guess I don't know my own strength or I should play the lotto!
      Finally, after a sold 13 hours of drinking we left the tent and went to Augusteiner Brauhaus for schnitzel and cheese and you guessed it, more beer! Ugh, I'm pretty sure I have more beer in my system than I do blood. That can't be good.

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