Everyone has their problems. Life is not perfect, not for anyone, despite deceptive outward appearance and facades. Life is difficult and is full of uphill battles. I understand that my obesity is difficult for me and has been for as long as I can remember. But I'm not suffering with cancer. I am not homeless. I am not starving. I think that every once and awhile we need to remind ourselves about perspective and how our troubles are all relative. We all have issues and bad days, but it's important to consider that not only are most problems temporary, but someone somewhere is struggling worse than you are.
The reason that I decided to write about this is because my grandmother is 74 years old and, for as long as I can remember, she has always been a "negative nelly." Everything is doom and gloom; she discusses tragedy and drama more times than happiness and celebration. And even though I love her, it is daunting to be bogged down by constant negativity. This morning, she came over to my house (after going to church, mind you!) and, as per usual, began talking about all things depressing. Granted, she's 74 and I know that she is not going to change; she's been like this for forever. But what is with the complaining?!? First of all, I understand that sometimes we need to vent, but generally, complaining is counterproductive. If you are unhappy about something, take some steps to change it, instead of spending all of your time b*tching about it! And, a little perspective please. My 16 year old sister's best friend has Acute Myeloid Leukemia - and this kid does nothing but laugh and smile and fight (for her life). If anyone has a reason to be mad at the world it would be her, and she is more positive than most people I know who struggle with far less difficult things. She's 15 years old and has greater perspective and wisdom than anyone I know.
So when things seem insurmountable and generally impossible - a little perspective is all you need. This too shall pass. Give yourself a little time for a pity party and then pull yourself up by your boot straps. You have a life to live - and if you don't watch out, it will pass you right by - or it might hand you something really worth complaining about!
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